Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) is committed to provide potable water to every citizen of the state. Rajasthan, despite being the largest state of the country (in terms of area), has meagre water resources. Erratic rainfall, depleting water table and a huge livestock make the task of providing potable water, even more challenging. Not just the quantity, but also the quality (fluoride, salinity, etc.) of available water, makes PHED’s task even more difficult. Despite all these hurdles PHED is leaving no stone unturned to fulfil its commitment. PHED with a state-wide office network and use of state of art Reverse Osmosis, De-fluoridation, SCADA, IT and Solar Energy technology is providing safe drinking water in the remotest places of Rajasthan.
PHED is shifting from ground water based schemes to surface water source based schemes in a phased manner. This will help in combating water quality problem and make potable water supply sustainable. Water being a precious resource, your contribution towards its judicious use would certainly help PHED to serve you better.